Resource Tab for Comment Letters

February 7, 2020: Comments from the Pacific Institute on the Draft Water Resilience Portfolio from the State of California

January, 8, 2020: Comments from the Pacific Institute on Proposed Urban Water Conservation Reporting Regulations for the State of California.

January 18, 2017: Letter from Pacific Institute President Peter Gleick, Pacific Institute Water Program Director Heather Cooley, and others to California Governor Jerry Brown urging further water conservation and efficiency measures.

December 19, 2016: Comments from Pacific Institute Water Program Director Heather Cooley, Sara Aminzadeh of the California Coastkeeper Alliance, Cynthia Koehler of WaterNow Alliance, Laurel Firestone of the Community Water Center, Jonathan Parfrey of Climate Resolve, and Conner Everts of the Environmental Justice Coalition for Water, and Tracy Quinn of the Natural Resources Defense Council on Implementing Executive Order B-37-16, Public Review Draft Comment.

October 2016: Comments on Water Waste Prohibitions from Pacific Institute Water Program Director Heather Cooley and others to the State Water Resources Control Board.

May 16, 2016: Letter from Pacific Institute Water Program Director Heather Cooley, Sara Aminzadeh of the California Coastkeeper Alliance, and Tracy Quinn of the Natural Resources Defense Council addressing the proposed modification and extension of emergency regulation for statewide urban water conservation to the California State Water Resources Control Board.

Jan. 28, 2016: Second letter from Pacific Institute Water Program Director Heather Cooley, Sara Aminzadeh of the California Coastkeeper Alliance, and Tracy Quinn of the Natural Resources Defense Council addressing the proposed regulatory framework for extended emergency regulation for urban water conservation to the California State Water Resources Control Board.

Jan. 6, 2016: Letter from Pacific Institute Water Program Director Heather Cooley, Sara Aminzadeh of the California Coastkeeper Alliance, and Tracy Quinn of the Natural Resources Defense Council addressing the proposed regulatory framework for extended emergency regulation for urban water conservation to the California State Water Resources Control Board.

Oct. 14, 2015: Letter from  Pacific Institute Water Program Director Heather Cooley, Sara Aminzadeh of the California Coastkeeper Alliance, and Edward R. Osann of the Natural Resources Defense Council providing comments on the Conservation Regulations Workshop to the California State Water Resources Control Board.

Feb. 26, 2014: Pacific Institute President Peter Gleick’s testimony addressing the California drought to the California State Water Resources Control Board.

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